joi, 19 martie 2015


Dear Angel PROOROCU,  
I am pleased to inform you that your papers  entitled   “SEABUCKTHORNOLOGY” A Possible NEW INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE has been accepted to be published in the Journal "Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development", Vol.15(1)/2015.
The issue will be displayed by the end  of  the month of March 2015.
In this respect, please, visit the web site:
Prof.Dr.Agatha POPESCU
Executive Editor

marți, 17 martie 2015

O noua carte

Seabuckthorn. Research for a promising crop 
we, the editors (Y. Zubarev, D. Eagle and Thomas Mörsel) tried to present all 
materials from the ISA conference, including also late papers and added new 
articles, so on SBT fly and on breading strategies. The book is actually 
available at Amazon book shop or can be ordered on publishing house book 
shop : - search there by title