luni, 19 mai 2014

O carte noua despre o planta minune

Seabuckthorn. Research for a promising crop: A look at recent developments in cultivation, breeding, technology, health and environment [Kindle Edition]

David Eagle Yury Zubarev Jörg-Thomas Mörsel 

Kindle Price:$49.11 includes VAT* & free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
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Book Description

 May 15, 2014
Seabuckthorn is one promising plant that got into focus of public interest. It is the wide range of applications, it's ecological promising benefits and the social-economic effect that inspire people around the world to deal with Seabuckthorn. Actual developments shows a growing interest not only of directly involved persons but of public in general.
Since 2003 every second year scientist, producers and growers and enthusiasts met at ISA – International Seabuckthorn Association conferences (the society was founded 2001 on Seabuckthorn Workshop in Delhi) to exchange information, establish new contacts and discuss the future of Seabuckthorn-world. Starting with a small heap of enthusiasts, the scientific community now includes several hundred active and certainly far more than a thousand of interested members.
In October 2013 6th meeting of ISA was held in Potsdam, Germany. This booklet is to show a selection from the presented results, some outstanding poster and additional material given by various scientists to the authors.
It is to encourage Seabuckthorn friends to intensive and faster to deal with the stated aim of this publication, with research on Seabuckthorn and technological-technical developments. Anyone who reads this book is welcome to send his posts and comments on it to the authors.

Product Details

  • File Size: 29651 KB
  • Print Length: 208 pages
  • Publisher: Books on Demand; 1 edition (May 15, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English

vineri, 16 mai 2014

Libehna dragostea mea...

In liceu (1974-1978) am efectuat practica la IPILF Tulcea. Am avut repartitie guvernamentala ca inginer stagiar la IPILF Giurgiu (1983). IPILF insemna Intreprinderea de Producere si Prelucrare a Legumelor si Fructelor. O astfel de intreprindere detinea cateva mii de hectare care produceau legume si fructe, ciuperci etc. pentru industrializarea acestora intr-o fabrica moderna. Sunt 25 de ani de cand aceste intreprinderi au fost  distruse. Accesati si veti vedea si produsul de mai jos cu 25% fruct. In peste 30 de ani de "catinie" cred ca daca am posibilitatea recunosc fructul chiar daca e adus din indepartatul Nepal. E fantastic ce pot face niste maini si minti dibace si ce pot distruge niste nemernici... Pacat ca nu numai sistemul s-a distrus, baza materiala, baza umana dar ce e tragic nu numai pentru noi se distruge o data cu pamantul nostru si lumea si mai rapid Europa. Sistemul acela de acum 25 de ani distrus cu dusmanie trage dupa sine probleme grave de mediu. Lasat pe mana unor incompetenti care papa banii dati fara nici o baza stiintifica mereu pe mana unor nimeni care nu stiu decat sa fure incet dar sigur vor suferi si toti europenii si asiaticii. Doamna prof. Lazareanu, profesoara de Economie Politica din liceu ne spunea ca a existat o varianta ca la fel ca si Moldova Sovietica si Romania sa ramana numai o tara agrara. Atunci niste oameni cu dragoste si raspundere de tara au reusit sa evite acest plan. Toti profesorii de la facultatea de horticultura, oameni care au creat o agricultura competitiva impreuna cu toata suflarea de lucratori in acel domeniu erau de parere ca produsele obtinute in Romania in tot ce insemna productie vegetala erau superioare celor din alte parti. Un papa a numit Romania "Gradina Maicii Domnului". Acum gustam cu piosenie ce fac altii departe, noi aici in iadul erei postumane... al triumfului Zeului Ban cu sloganul: "dupa noi potopul"....

joi, 1 mai 2014

Viata triumfa...

Pe valea Doftanei unde decidentii ucigasi de azi au "modernizat" minunata vegetatie in care catina era la loc de frunte am gasit acum cativa ani o salcioara rasarita dintr-o samanta care pana si pe o stanca arida a gasit o fisura unde a putut sa isi indeplineasca menirea ei pe aceasta lume...